Your Energy Aggregation Representatives

The world of energy aggregation is volatile and unpredictable, and it takes an expert to navigate these waters. A qualified aggregator (or energy broker) will have experience working in both the supply and demand sides of energy procurement, and can efficiently represent companies seeking to procure cheaper electricity and natural gas.

Stanley Energy is that aggregator.

The process by which consumers join together to buy electricity and natural gas as a group reduces the provider’s costs, and thus drives down prices for everyone. We represent building owners and property managers – in short, we represent you, not the suppliers – in deregulated New England states like Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Our energy sourcing skills and experience will ensure your building acquires the cheapest electricity and natural gas available.

Looking For Cheaper Energy? Let Stanley Energy Be Your Guide.

Our energy aggregation experts can negotiate the best rates in deregulated states of New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. Call us at (603) 689-7083 today to learn how we can represent you.