Save Money With Energy Efficient Dormitories

Increase Sustainability With Energy Efficient Classrooms

Why Energy Efficient Colleges Make Sense (And Dollars)

The rise of energy efficient dormitories has property managers around the country wondering how they too can reduce overall usage, increase sustainability, and save money. Taking advantage of energy deregulation, when possible, and mounting a thorough energy analysis are but two ways of experiencing savings.

Colleges in particular spend nearly $2 billion on energy every year, and many have begun implementing plans to earn Energy Star labels—federal recognition of energy efficiency—for their buildings.

Stanley Energy can help you earn yours.

Much of the energy waste on college campuses comes from mismanagement of dormitory resources, and the fear of sacrificing student comfort. It can be difficult, understandably, to manage usage around fluctuating class schedules and vacations. Being aware of waste areas is the first step. Simple activities such as replacing lighting systems with eco-friendly bulbs can drastically cut costs. But how can building owners or managers attack energy waste when rooms are unoccupied?

That’s where we come in. Using innovative technology developed specifically for the hospitality industry, you can easily balance operating margins and student comfort. These systems were created with long-term savings in mind, and when coupled with a strategy established specifically for your unique situation (and whether or not your college operates in a deregulated state), we strive to maximize ROIs and increase savings year after year.

The Future Of Energy Management Is Today. Call Us To Start Saving!

Energy efficient dormitories and classrooms not only save colleges money, but when approached properly, ensure comfort and ideal conditions for students to get the most out of their education. Call Stanley Energy today at 603.689.7083 for a free consultation.

The balance between energy efficient classrooms and student comfort can be tricky to maintain. Saving money is important; University Business reports that the higher education sector spends almost $10 billion a year on energy. Classroom comfort, however, is equally—if not more so—important, which only increases the need for classroom energy management systems. Students need a comfortable environment in order to study and learn at their optimum capabilities. How can university property managers increase classroom efficiency without sacrificing student comfort?

Stanley Energy will show you the way.

Utilizing robust technologies developed specifically to address this demand, our solutions can reduce energy consumption and equipment runtime in dormitories or unoccupied classrooms by as much as 45%. An automated system rotates HVAC unit loads, and decreases overall usage without impacting temperature or comfort levels when rooms are occupied.

Not only does such technology ensure student comfort and drive down the cost of utilities, it also increases the sustainability of your building by not allowing sudden fluctuating temperatures to cause expensive property damage. Systems can be pre-programmed to ensure a recovery period that balances student comfort while maximizing energy savings. Motion sensors and infrared detectors also keep the system informed of occupancy throughout the day and night.

Ready To Cut Costs In Your Classrooms? Call Us Today!

Energy efficient classrooms are a growing priority in today’s eco-friendly world. Stanley Energy can help increase efficiency and reduce waste in classrooms, dormitories, and university properties across the country. Call 603.689.7083 today, or fill out the contact form to the right, for a free consultation.

The number of energy efficient colleges across the country is expanding at a rapid pace. The US Green Building Council estimates that universities focused on sustainability can save an average of $100,000 per year. With a qualified, experienced energy management company like ours, that number can go even higher. We take a broad approach to efficiency, attacking energy waste from a number of different angles, while utilizing flexible tracking and monitoring software to give building owners and property managers a complete view of overall usage.

Did You Know?

Certain California colleges that establish savings and efficiency plans are eligible to apply to the Energy Commission for loans to implement those plans. Qualifying programs typically see annual savings paying off a $1 million loan in four years. Similar programs can be seen in a number of states across the country

How Can Energy Deregulation Help?

Energy deregulation introduces more sourcing options, but it can be difficult—and time consuming—to choose the right supplier, at the right cost, and negotiate the right contract. That’s what we’re here for. Outsourcing procurement to a team like ours often results in significantly higher savings while mitigating downside risk. It also allows you to reduce internal administrative expenses and maintain focus on your core business. Your customers. Your clients.

Partner With Stanley Energy And Save. Call Us Today!

We can help increase the number of energy efficient colleges through the establishment and implementation of unique management strategies. From classroom energy management to dormitory energy management, our focus is on creating—and delivering—the most successful plan for your college property. Call 603.689.7083 today for a free consultation.